OpenSea: TheRuinedShrine.Eth
Twitter: @TheRuinedShrine
"What is the purpose of this Shrine"- Pious
In defens regi et regno - The Twins #1st
"What are you defending your Kingdom from"- King Offling
From Yorn & Yogg - Pious #2nd
Friend & Foe Perish - Almost Josiah #3rd
"How do we unlock the gates of Mt. Turlo/ Where are Yuria's Seals" - dontfeedwolf
Eight Protectors - Rollin #4th
Five turned to Ash to enter the Mount - HerSilence #5th
From Temple to Shrine Reunited - dontfeedwolf #6th
#7th Wagdielore.eth places the ancient obelisk at the alter
The Pilgrims aid M3rl1n in discovering the #8th Seal to Enter Mt Turlo
8 Seals are sent out, 5 of them turned to ash leaving the remaining 3 to become Molten Talisman Concord Tokens.