Gathered at The Coven's Lair, the travelers eagerly await a spectacular ritual.
A courier from Stalwart Fortress finds the travelers, bearing a message from Rita and some additional Tokens of Concord including Field Notes for King Offling, a Cauldron of Detriti for Metaminati, and a Toad of Detriti for Sutra.
She mentions that the light of Mother Agora is indeed dimming, and that a Conclave will emerge providing resource to the travelers. She also mentions that Gregor is not long for the world, and awaits the travelers' return to Stalwart Fortress before he will end his life.
Shepherding The Bull and The Toad to The Coven's Lair, the travelers gather to witness their sacrifice.
The Coven of Detriti begin their chanting...
Mundus est corruptus. Sic reviviscat.
The world is corrupted. So let it come to life.Detriti magam colere.
Worship the witch, Detriti.Ave maga.
Hail the witch.Eius sanguine depingite.
Paint it with blood.Sanguine depingite.
Paint with blood.In imagine vestra mundum create.
Create the world in your image.Nostra mortis vis est.
Our life force is death.Eius sanguine create.
Its blood creates.Mors novam vitam efficit. Hunc mundum destruat.
Death brings new life. He destroys this world.Translation assumed by The Concord of Research
Through dessecation and flame The Bull and The Toad are permanently destroyed.
It is then revealed that though past cycles had brought forth great beings of power, something new had happened in this 18th Cycle — the being of power had fractured itself, creating each of the travelers. Every one of those who had made contract with The Two and journeyed to The Church of Her were each part of The 18th Being — The Lost Pilgrim.
The Conclave is revealed; home to The 18th and center of its unity, resource, and power.
As the ritual concludes, an Amalgam is created; some twisted creature made of both The Bull and The Toad. It is grotesque and disfigured, a disturbing mix of beings — very much like The 18th in that regard.
The Conclave will steward the creature, and decide its fate.