Oh great Sea why did you disappear? This trough caused
great calamity.
How will you bring justice to the Souls dropped onto the hard
Sea floor? @opensea [June 7th 3:17PM EST]

- During the 15-30 minutes that WAGDIE was delisted from OS
the collection's floor price went from above 1.5Ξ to .7Ξ &
quickly back again.
The devestation of the Sea has been healed by Her Light. All
has returned to balance. @opensea etherscan.io/address/0x8d2e...
[June 7th 8:37PM EST]

- To show good faith to the community and that this event wasn't
planned, the Devs reimbursed the panic sellers during the delisting.
- This was received well, as the team is undoxxed and their efforts
in calculating exactly how much sellers lost during that time and
reimbursing the difference did NOT go unnoticed by the Community.